Top Anticipated Thriller Mystery Books of 2021

The year 2021 seems to be the year of thriller books. Coming out of the pandemic, readers seem to have a craving for adventure and thrill that has been suppressed for too long. The solution is to grab a thriller book from the internet and let the adrenaline flow.

Since there are too many thriller books out there, a list of the top thriller mystery books of 2021 would help you a lot:

  1. Into The Ether – David Sherer

One of the best thriller books 2021 would see, ‘Into The Ether’ combines medical fiction, crime, and thriller mystery into one plot.

David Sherer presents the life of a burnt-out anaesthesiologist – Adrian Wren – looking for some excitement in life and perhaps some money too. The borders of ethics are well-breached when the medical professional drugs a government officers and gets some key information out from him being in a sedated state. Making money with the information is only the beginning. Things get heated up with an affair with Adrian’s financial advisor, but soon he finds himself underground in another country.

The best thing about this novel is that when you think the thrill is over, you find out that it has just taken off. With Adrian getting arrested and back in the USA, there is a criminal case to be solved, and it involves authorities as high as the President of the United States of America.

  • The Wife Upstairs – Rachel Hawkins

Rachel Hawkins is a famous author in the genre of mystery books. She has entangled the reader in a story of obsession, forbidden romance, and a dead wife who is more alive in the memories than the living.

Jane, a broke dog-walker, is in love with Eddie Rochester, or so she believes. The only problem is his wife, – Bea. Though Bea is medically dead, her mentions and presence in Eddie’s life and in the lives of those in admiration of Bea’s overwhelming success in everything are nauseous for Jane, to say the least. How she can get past a dead wife into the heart of the man she loves is a mystery that can only be solved by reading the book.

  • Good Neighbors – Sarah Langan

An enthralling mystery originating from suburban Long Island has to make the list. When two neighbour families, each with their own complexes and radical beliefs, meet in a neighbourhood known for luxuries, sparks are bound to light up the sky.

When one of the children falls into a sinkhole in a park nearby, the families go up against each other with accusations beyond belief. Matters end up in court, where the brawl seems to worsen into a possible bloodbath.

  • The Lost Apothecary – Sarah Penner

Ranging over two centuries, the story of an apothecary lives on. Sarah Penner has penned one of the most intriguing mysteries of the year.

The plot opens up with Nella – an apothecary – choosing to use her skills to help women liberate themselves from their cruel husbands with just some drops of poison. Nella keeps a record of all the women she has freed, but when she meets Eliza – a 12-year-old girl – things change in her life.

The story of Nella and Eliza is only revealed two hundred years later when Caroline discovers a leftover poison vial from Nella’s collections. As a historian, she sets out to investigate the matter only to discover clues to the mystery of the apothecary murders. As she goes deeper, she realises that her own life might be at stake in the discovery of the dark past.

  • Every Vow You Break – Peter Swanson

Thriller mysteries don’t always start with a crime. This one begins with a one-night stand – of a bride at her bachelorette party. Though Abigail believes that the new guy – Bruce – might actually be the one for her, she finds out that she truly has messed up by choosing a psychopath for her one-nighter.

Abigail is now stuck with a new husband and a dark secret, but darker things come to life when she sees a scared woman in the shadows that nobody seems to be concerned about. The plot thickens.

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